Om arrangemanget
Course in Swedish for beginners - Curso en sueco para principiantes - Schwedisch für Anfänger
Swedish for complete beginners. If you know some Swedish we recommend basic course 2 or 3.
Förkunskaper / previous knowledge
Inga förkunskaper i svenska behövs - No previous knowledge in Swedish is required.
Deltagarna måste kunna läsa och skriva det latinska alfabetet - you must be able to read and write the latin alphabet.
Upplägg / course schedule
2 dagar per vecka i 5 veckor/2 days per week during 5 weeks.
1 lesson/study hour = 45 minutes. In total the course is 30 study hours over 10 meetings.
Innehåll / contents
Grundnivån är indelad i tre kurser och ger baskunskaper i ordförråd, uttal och grammatik. Stor vikt läggs vid förmågan att kommunicera. Enkla dialoger, parövningar och rollspel är frekventa inslag i undervisningen. Uttalsövningar återkommer under hela kursperioden.
The basic level is divided in three courses (30 study hours each) and will give you basic knowledge in vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. Great importance is attached to the ability of communication. Simple dialogues, exercises in pairs, roleplays are common elements during the education. Exercises in pronunciation are regularly practiced during the whole course period.
Kurslitteratur / course literature
Kurslitteraturen ingår inte i kursavgiften. The course literature is not included in the course fee.
Lokal / premises
Medborgarskolan, Hagagatan 23A. The nearest tube-station is Odenplan.
Swedish personal ID number
If you don't have a Swedish personal IDnumber you can sign up by sending an e-mail with your name, date of birth, address and phone number to You can also call 010-157 63 61.
We kindly ask you to observe that your application is binding. You are free to withdraw it no later than 14 days before the course is due to start.
If you withdraw your application after that, you will be charged with an annulment fee according to purchase terms & conditions.
Good to know / Bra att veta
Denna kurs har max 12 deltagare. Uppehåll för lov v44
Maximum 12 students. No class week 44