14 Sep 2024
Antal tillfällen
1 st
Agnès Brosset
555 kr

Om arrangemanget

Turn apples, berries and herbs into flavorful homemade vinegars. Do you have too many apples, or are looking to learn to craft more goods for your pantry? Come and learn the basics of making vinegar, a perfect way to use overripe, or damaged fruits and turn them into tasty homemade. This course will be held in English.


Vinegar is a double fermentation process. First, yeast consumes sugars within fruits and produce alcohol; then consume the alcohol and convert it into acetic acid. During the workshop we go through the basics of vinegar making, prepare fruits, herbs to then make vinegar. Each participant may make 2 jars with any flavoring from the fruits and herbs supply. The jars are then taken home for the continuation of the fermentation process and for you to taste the result. After the course, you will be able to create your own vinegar and repeat the process
from making vinegar alone at home with many fruits and herbs.

Previous knowledge

No prior knowledge is required to participate in this course. The course is suitable for so many: those interested in fermentation, or in learning a way to reduce fruit waste by making vinegar. Or you might have too many apples at home and would like to know how to use and preserve them into vinegar, or anyone who wants to craft more goods at home with simple and natural ingredients.

About the course leader

Agnes Brosset is the founder of Nordiska Örter, the first herb farm in Sweden, located in Uppsala. Agnes is also a trained plant ecologist (Ph.D) and educator spreading knowledge around plants and their usages for food, health and handicraft. Homesteader living totally off-grid, she has a broad experience on plant foraging, growing vegetables, and preserving foods.

All our course leaders undergo the Medborgarskolan introductory course and are offered a solid internal education program with the opportunity for continued individual development.

Course material

Participants will be given an apple vinegar recipe. Recipe, raw material, and jars made during the course and taken home are included in the course fee. 

Development opportunities

Making vinegar workshop is a first step into becoming more self-sufficient, learning about fermentation and preservation methods. Agnes also provides a lactofermentation course (mjölksyrning av grönsaker) if you want deeper knowledge and skills in food preservation. Find more information at this link.


The basic idea of ​​folkbildning is that the participants in collaboration with the course leader learn from each other. The work methods are democratic and engaging and the learning is active. The participants seek and build their own knowledge through dialogue, interaction and reflection with each other. Together with the participants the course leader will adapt the content of the course to suit everyone.  

Good to know

  • Do you want to pay the course in installments? You can read more on the following link Köpvillkor/ allmänna villkor för kurs hos Medborgarskolan | Medborgarskolan
  • When you enroll in a course at Medborgarskolan you make a sustainable and environmental choice. We work systematically with environmental improvement measures, and we are environmentally certified according to Svensk Miljöbas since 2016. 







Medborgarskolan Uppsala (Bergsbrunnagatan)

Bergsbrunnagatan 20, Uppsala

Visa på karta


Deltagaravgift: 495 kr

Materialavgift: 60 kr

Summa: 555 kr

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